2025 – 2026
For questions, please contact Nortex Marketing here or by calling 940-759-2251.
DEADLINE: Thursday, April 3, 2025
The Gene Fuhrman Scholarship is in dedication of the beloved Gene, the son of the owners of Nortex, Alvin and Gracie Fuhrman.
There will be two winners awarded a one-time $2,000 and $1,500 scholarship.
- Be a graduating high school senior
- Receive at least one local service from Nortex Communications: Internet, TV, Phone
- Be enrolled in an accredited two-year or four-year college or vocational-technical school
- Have at least a C grade point average

Shelby Derzapf- Collinsville ISD
2024 Gene Fuhrman $2,000
Scholarship Recipient

Isabella Walterscheid- Sacred Heart Catholic School
2024 Gene Fuhrman $1,500
Scholarship Recipient

2023 TTAF $8,000 Scholarship Recipient
DEADLINE: Postmark Friday, March 14, 2025
The Texas Telephone Association Foundation (TTAF), a non-profit, philanthropic organization founded to help further the understanding of telephony and advance telecommunications as a career choice, will award six, four-year scholarships, in the amount of $2,000 per year to students entering college for the 2025-2026 school year.
**Special consideration will be given to students who will be pursuing a college degree in fields of study which are of particular interest to telecommunications (such as math, business, education, technology, engineering, and computer science, etc.). The courses of study in high school, extra- curricular/civic activities and demonstrated leadership will also be considered.
- U.S. Citizen
- Student achieving a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher (out of a possible 4.0)
- Student planning to attend a Texas college or university by the Fall of 2025
- Student graduating from a Texas high school no later than June 2025
- Receive at least one of the local services from Nortex: Internet, TV, Phone
- A completed application postmarked no later than March 14, 2025, including a current transcript
- A letter of acceptance from a Texas college or university where student has been accepted
- Student typed essay, consisting of between 300 – 1,000 words explaining their qualifications for the scholarship, their future goals, and how the scholarship will assist them in achieving those goals
- Copy of student’s SAR (Student Aid Report)
- Do not send incomplete applications. Do not send additional information to be added to your applications.
DEADLINE: Friday, February 14, 2025
The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS), in cooperation with NTCA- The Rural Broadband Association, seeks to sustain and enhance the quality of life in American by advancing an understanding of rural issues. Through its various programs and initiatives, FRS strongly supports the continuing education of rural youth.
For each FRS general scholarship, FRS provides $2,000 and NORTEX COMMUNICATIONS, the sponsoring NTCA member company provides $500 to rural students for their first year of 2-year or 4-year college, or vacational school. Submitting one application for FRS is also sufficient eligibility for these additional named scholarships:
- V+C Trust Scholarship
- Everett Kneece Scholarship
- Herbert and Isabel Bitz Memorial Scholarship
- JSI Scholarship
- Sarah Tyree Good Neighbor Scholarship
- Cronin Communications Scholarship
- Diana Jo Dreyer Memorial Scholarship
- Be a graduating high school senior
- Be a United States citizen
- Be sponsored by NORTEX COMMUNICATIONS, a current NTCA- The Rural Broadband Association Member. As a sponsor, Nortex will be verifying that you receive at least one of their local services: Internet, TV, Phone
- Express an interest to return to a rural community following graduation, as discussed in the essay

2023 FRS $2,500 Scholarship Recipient